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Sun Journal Business Breakfast Forum: The Millennial Hire

Join Art Boulay, CEO of Strategic Talent Management, Thursday, Sept. 26, and give your business a millennial-friendly checkup to ensure you’re attracting and keeping the 20- and 30-somethings who will be your next wave of workforce leaders.

You need good workers — now!

Maine has more than 308,000 20- and 30-somethings.

Like every generation before them, they look at the work world uniquely. Are you putting your company’s best foot forward in a way that attracts them? Offering the right benefits? Looking for them in the right places? Aware of what will turn them into trusted employees and your company leaders of tomorrow?

Let’s find out.

Join our panel of three experts for a millennial-friendly checkup for your business.

Leave an hour later ready to find your next new hire.

Join us in Jalbert Hall at Central Maine Community College, where parking is free.

Doors open at 7:15 a.m. for coffee and light refreshments. Program starts at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 9:00 a.m.

About the moderator:

Kathryn Skelton is a business reporter at the Sun Journal, covering local industries large and small, writing features and deep-dive analysis. She’s been at the paper for 20 years.

On the panel:

Daniel Bourgeois-Capozzi, chair of Uplift LA

Art Boulay, CEO of Strategic Talent Management

Jessica Donovan, general manager of the Hilton Garden Inn Auburn Riverwatch

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